Tuesday, December 21, 2010

Business as Usual

The below article was published in the Royal Gazette Letters to the Editor section approx. July 2010

Dear sir,

     Can someone please explain to me why our Government is acting as if it's just business as usual? Whenever queried about the huge debt that has been amassed they love to compare us to other countries that are in debt, and say that this is normal. Well those countries have a much more diverse economy than Bermuda, they do not rely on ONE pillar (International Business) as we do. Where we should be following other countries lead we are not... they are putting austerity measures in place, cutting back where they can and making plans on how to pay down debt in the future... are we? I think not. A perfect example that out Government is still plowing ahead at full throttle is the 2010 Bermuda Music Festival that was recently announced. It appears that it has been scaled back from previous years but it begs the question, why have one this year at all? It has already been proven time and time again that this Festival fails at it's intended purpose... to draw much needed tourists to Bermuda.
    Why does our Government continue to throw good money after bad? Honestly sometimes I feel like I'm Neo caught in the MATRIX!

Clinton J.A. Paynter

St. George's

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