Wednesday, December 22, 2010

Kim Wilson and the Unemployables

I was listening to a bit of the Senate this morning and heard Minister of Economy, Trade and Industry Kim Wilson addressing unemployment. She said that a recruiter recently advised the Ministry that there was a requirement to recruit 13 kitchen porters however only 3 Bermudian applications were submitted. 

She went on to say "During a recent stakeholder meeting an industry partner opined that kitchen porters, often referred to as pot washers could earn as much as $35K a year in some instances." 

Key words here are as much as and in some instances. This means that most in this job category make significantly less than the figure she quoted. Just imagine how low the pay is after deductions! It's easy to see that most Bermudians could not afford to work for this, unless it was a part time job and not the primary source of income. 

Perhaps you will say that Kitchen Porter is an entry level job for young people, but with the recently published graduation rates are they even capable of applying for these jobs? I personally know of many young people that have a hard time writing and reading unless it's in "text speak". 

I have learnt through my dealings with many youth that their education problems are massively worse than many in the general public suspect, as well as far worse than those in Government are willing to admit.  

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