Sunday, December 19, 2010

Hope for the Future is Slipping Away

 I was listening to Everest's show on Friday afternoon... an older black person... sounded like they could have been in their late 60's was on complaining about racial injustices of the past. This person calls all the time with the same subject. I decided to call in and give my opinon on the topic.

  I went on to explain that people of my generation (born 1976) did not experience the overt racism of the past... the four boys under six years old that I have today are not either. My boys are coming up with all different colors... just as I did years before. I agree that we should never forget the past but when is enough enough? Must we saddle current and future generations that have no part in the past attrocities with this baggage?
 The last time I checked it wasn't the white executive climbing in my window to steal my belongings while I am out for the evening. When I am at Ice Queen for a late night snack I never look over my shoulder at the group of white teenagers that are hanging out there.
 The main problems that people from my young generation have has nothing at all to do with this racism that the older heads in government speak of. We are more concerned with the fact that we cannot afford to live in our own country. Back in the day the people had hope, they had goals that were actually achieveable. You could buy a piece of land and get ur mates to assisst in building a house on the cheap... maybe have it all paid off in 10 years or less if you really put your back into it. Older members of my family tell me that all I have to do is work hard and save money and everything will be allright. BULLSH@T! With land and house prices today my wife and I would have to kill ourselves working for the next 40 years to ever hope to own our own house. While we do all this what will become of our four children while we work 12 hours a day? Better to pay rent and save up money to enjoy life... take our kids to Disney World... buy a nice new car etc. There are many young people out there that feel the same way as we do. What becomes of a country when the ones that should be taking over the economy have no hope or goals? Exactly what is happening now... they have no love for this country... no pride in it. This is also one of the reasons college students aren't bothering to return when their studies are completed.
 The last time I checked there are many black business owners these days... making a heck of a good living. The problem is that they usually hire cheap foreign labour... leaving thier black brothers behind in order to further themselves. The white man doesn't seem to be the problem here does he?
 While our leaders waste time convincing the massess that the "white man" is to blame and persue there own selfish revenge fantasies young Bermudian familes like mine are deciding if it's even worth trying to make it here anymore.

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